Noah Digital

Digital Marketing Case Study – Hotel Spa​


The Challenge

The Hotel Spa Excelsior brand has been around for more than 30 years when our client took over a couple of years ago. In Spring 2020, our client was facing the challenge of COVID-19 as many other businesses in the travel and hotel industry. Their website was old and outdated. They were looking for new ways to promote their hotel and spa as they only used traditional advertising in the past.

The Strategy

We redesigned their website that would show off their fantastic location, rooms and treatments available. In mid-June 2020, we launched Google Ads campaigns in English & French to promote their reopening packages. Facebook Ads were also created in English & French to generate awareness of their reopening.



Bounce rate lower than before


Longer session duration than before


Phone calls in 3 months


Organic traffic increase in 3 months