Noah Digital

8 Most Successful Google Video Marketing Campaigns

As an entrepreneur, do you feel the same “publish or perish” pressure in the business world? It can be understandable that you’d want more exposure for your brand and products/services. In this endeavor, you might be tempted to spend a fortune to run TV commercials as some of your competitors do. But, before you head into that direction, have you thought of Google Video Marketing?  With Google Video Marketing campaigns, you can reach potential customers much more cost-effectively.  


Why Google Video Marketing Campaigns Are The Best

If you are still on the fence about if people actually respond to video marketing, Think With Google outlines that “more than 90% of people say that they discover new brands or products on Youtube.” This just goes to show that when people are watching videos online, they might not be searching for a product, but they are open to discovering new products or services while they watch.

Think With Google continues, “80% of people say that they typically switch between online search and video when they are researching products to buy.” This also shows that not only are people open to discovering new products online, but they value the insights that video marketing has to offer when they are searching out specific products to buy.

The main reason is that you can target the right audience using a Google video marketing campaign. Setting an ideal client persona and reaching out to them is much more possible with this type of campaign.

If you are wondering, “what kind of videos will help me to market my product?” Here are some examples that will help you to draw inspiration.

1. Canadian Tire – “Wheels”

This incredible advertisement went viral in 2016 during the Summer Olympics. This 1-minute video starts by showing a small boy that is handicapped and needs to use a wheelchair. He is unable to participate in sports that the local boys play because of his condition. Another boy notices this, and organizes a special basketball game so that he can be included.

Lessons We Can Learn

In this unique video, you do not find Canadian Tire branding themselves. They did this video to show their support to the Canadian Olympics team. It is okay for you to support things that are not related to your business.

Your business is not in existence only to sell products, but you should do everything possible to associate with the best things that are happening in the community. It is crucial for you to reimagine what you do and release ads to connect with people multiple times during the year.

2. Microsoft – “Child of the 90s”

With this unique campaign that went viral, Microsoft was able to connect well with the 90s children, Generation Y. They were able to reintroduce themselves to them. In this video, they show items and products that kids of that era were quite familiar with, such as slap bracelets, Yo-Yo’s, Pogs, and other now outdated technology.  

Lessons We Can Learn

“You Grew! — So did we” is the slogan that Microsoft uses to appeal to Generation Y. Their core intention is to make the viewers use the new internet explorer. They wanted them to do this with a strong feeling of remembrance, loyalty, and trust. Undoubtedly, nostalgia is one of the most effective and powerful marketing tools out there. When you use it in a campaign, you can take your brand to the next level.

3. WestJet – “Christmas Miracle”

WestJet hit the right chords through its advertising campaign during the Christmas season. Before boarding the flight, Santa asked the passengers to share the things they wish for, and surprisingly, once they reach the destination, the passengers receive the gifts they asked for on the luggage carousel. It is a heartwarming Google video marketing campaign that will make you feel good.

Lessons We Can Learn

With a lot of negativity around, this kind of campaign will help people feel happy. WestJet also shows that they care for their customers by sharing the Christmas Spirit. Viewers have feelings of goodness, care, and charity from watching a commercial like this. This kind of ads will set your brand apart from the rest.

4. Dove – “Real Beauty Sketches”

This 3-minute video by Dove begins with a sketch artist, who asks women to describe themselves so he can create a portrait of them. After he has finished the sketch, he asks another individual to describe that very same person from their perspective. Towards the end of the video, the sketch artist shows the women the two vastly different portraits. They get to see how just how beautiful other people view them to be, as compared to how they view themselves.

Lessons We Can Learn

In the video, the sketch artist asks the women an important question, “do you think you’re more beautiful than you say?” This video by Dove effectively addresses something that many people struggle with on a daily basis, and their tagline proudly states “Your more beautiful than you think.” Creating a video campaign that evokes emotion, creates a sense of understanding, and getting people to identify with your brand can go a long way towards motivating customers to do business with you.

5. Google Android – “Unlikely Friends”

This fantastic advertisement displays animal friendships that are most unlikely. Like the cat snuggling a duck, an elephant being friendly with a dog, a pug cuddling a tiger and a lot more. Cute animal videos always go viral online, and this one does the same.

Lessons We Can Learn

Add happiness, and emotion to your marketing strategy, and you can create wonders. It is one classic advertising campaign that uses this blend. Google, in the end, reminds and encourages us to be together irrespective of our differences and to strive hard to make this world a better place. And there is so much power in doing it.

6. Reebok – “25,915 Days”

On average, humans live up to 25,915 days. Reebok in this 1-minute video asks us to honour the bodies we’ve been given, and to live a healthy life. The #HonorYourDays campaign has a strong message even though there are not many words in it.

Lessons We Can Learn

There is a sense of urgency in the message they were giving — “time is limited.” It is an excellent psychological motivator as viewers will know that they have to act now and not later.

7. The New York Times – “The Truth is Hard”

Simply put, this video is powerful. People in the United States want to know the truth as so many lies are circulating these days. While validating the real condition of the world today, The New York Times states that truth is needed more than ever. That, even though the truth can be hard to find, they will work diligently in the endeavor to find it.

Lessons We Can Learn

This Google video marketing campaign talks of how people in the United States are fed up with lies spread from some media channels. People want to find out the truth, and here The New York Times demonstrates that they are always committed to transparency and honesty. This type of ads will help people to stay loyal to the brand.

8. Six Flags – “Mr. Six’s It’s Playtime”

These videos all start off with people doing things like housework, or scheduling appointments, and things that just generally aren’t any fun. A brightly coloured bus then pulls up, and an old man steps off and starts dancing to music. He gathers everyone up, and takes them all to Six Flags for a day of fun.

Lessons We Can Learn

Six Flags’ commercials might not be very complicated, and might not be very hard hitting. But videos don’t always have to make you feel strong emotions to be effective. Six Flags used a fun music, a catchy slogan, and the light humour of an old man dancing to get the viewers attention. Sometimes that’s all it takes to get you to remember a brand. Let’s face it, we all had the song stuck in our head for a week the first time we saw that video.  

Google Video Marketing Takeaways

I hope you are inspired by these most successful Google video marketing campaigns during the past few years. This goes to show that you don’t need to spend so much money to promote your business with TV commercials. Instead, you can use the Google video marketing campaign to promote like a big brand, at a fraction of the cost. Your videos can reach out to a person for approximately 3 to 4 cents per view, as compared to potentially spending tens of thousands of dollars on creating and running an ad on TV.  And, remember that viewership for online video promotion is continuing to grow every year. Think With Google reports a “110% year-over-year growth in watch time of “which [Product] to buy on Youtube.” So, getting a good return on investment is definitely possible when you choose video marketing over TV commercials.